
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Inspiration and Reading 03/20/2014


Ah, another 2425 words down!

Continuing what I was talking about yesterday, inspiration is something, for me, that is derived from reading other works. I get a drive and an ambition, and try my hardest to incorporate what I learn from those books and make my own story that’s unique. I’ve been speaking with others who disagree with the idea entirely, and go so far as to say that reading is not necessary to writing well.

Before I go too far into this, I will admit there was a time when I thought this. I read in college for my classes, obviously, but never read much farther than that. How wrong I was. As I read now, I see how much it improves my writing. It not only inspires me to write certain elements and teaches me how to tell a good story, it overall improves my style and technique as well. I’m driven to write more than I was before, and to write better. Now, I work hard to set aside time for reading, as it pushes me to be a better writer, either to out-do some of the bad books I read (and those also teach me what not to do) but also to strive for greatness like the good books I read. There is a lesson in every book, good or bad, and each lesson makes you better as a writer.

So, while it is possible to be a literary prodigy and be amazing at writing without ever really reading actively… I wonder how much potential is lost by believing the opposite. I wonder how many competent writers that don’t read could be made great writers by reading. I wonder what kind of prolific works they could churn out if they found that drive and inspiration in a book that most writers already embrace. In any case, tonight I plan on going home, relaxing, and reading a good chunk of the book I’m in the middle of, and in the process I promise I’ll learn something about writing.


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