
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Wind-up Toys 02/22/2014


Another 2132 words done!

And it feels really good. Today is a particularly slow Saturday here at work, so it's been really easy to get the work done. I wrote a somewhat suspenseful scene, and I think I did well with it--we'll see for sure in editing.

One of the things that I was discussing with other writers recently is the way that characters seem to act and breathe on their own, and I got to use my favorite analogy about characters I write. In my eyes, the character is like a wind-up toy, where I build it and paint it and wind up the key, then it goes and moves all on its own. It's very true. A lot of times, as a writer, I find myself just pouring words onto the page that the characters act out by themselves. They act on instinct and intuition and sometimes legitimately surprise me with what they can do.

I worry it's something that non-writers or non-creative types might not understand, and even then there are writers who disagree with or simply don't subscribe to this theory, but it genuinely works for me. It continues to surprise me everyday that I write, and it makes the process that much more entertaining.


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