
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Sleepy Dialogue 02/27/2014


2240 Words today, and a very sleepy set as well.

Didn't sleep well last night and had some odd dreams, as I often do, so I'm a bit groggy this morning. I powered through my words before lunch, though, which is something I'm rather proud of. It's getting easier and easier, as I've said, the more I build toward the more climactic points of the book.

I've been discussing dialogue a little lately, and I wanted to put my thoughts in here. Dialogue is one of the most important elements of any story, obviously. We see more of the characters through their words than through their action sometimes, and that makes it infinitely important to get these elements right. One thing I try to do with dialogue is write it to be read as the character would say it. In my book, there's a character with a Texan accent, so instead of "Yes sir," he says "Yes'suh," or something to that effect. I've heard of people disliking this type of dialect inclusion, but I find it's essential to "hearing" the characters in your head. After all, without it, a small child's dialogue might look identical to that of an adult's, which would be obnoxious if you ask me.

Anyway, the weekend's coming up, and I couldn't be more thrilled. Work's been very busy this week, with a lot of equipment to manage and data to process. As much as I love working on computers, though, I'd prefer it be a little slower. Let's me write more.


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