
Friday, April 25, 2014

Romance Me! 04/25/2014

Aha! Here's this weeks totals:

Mon: 2806
Tue: 2859
Wed: 2153
Thu: 3001
Fri: 1795 FAIL
END: 12614

As you can see, I'm failing today. At least for now. It's the end of my work day soon, and I have a horrendous headache and I'm having trouble deciding where things are going to go in the book right now, so I'm cutting myself a break. Also, I got 2K above the weekly goal, so on some level I still call it a win. Especially yesterday: Did you SEE 3001? I love it. I need more days like that.

One thing this book has me writing a lot more of is romance. When I first started this book series, I was thinking I would kinda bypass the romantic ideas. One of my closest friends, and a man who reads a book every three days, told me that there has to be two things in a good book: A girl that you always think the guy's gonna get with, and he eventually does; and a dog. I'm not so sure about the dog thing. I know he says that because he loves dogs (and I do too, let's be honest) but the first part, I somewhat agree with. I wouldn't say for EVERY book, but I think most books, particulary series where we see characters develop over a few books, there should be some element of romance.

It's important that it's not forced or overstated, hell, it might not even end up going anywhere. But love, and the inevitablility of desire is something that's present in our lives on a daily basis. It should be present in the lives of the characters as well. In my book, I have two characters who have been dancing around one another for a while now and in book three things really take off for them. There's some drama that comes from it, and obviously lots of conflict, but ultimately theirs is a love story.

I was afraid of writing it at first. I understood love, being a married man, and though I still have trouble understanding women sometimes (okay, a LOT of times) I was worried I might not come across as honest or sincere in that department. I'm happy to say I was wrong. I not only feared for no reason at all, but I was missing out on something I found myself to be competent at, which also added an element of realism and conflict to my story that I think readers will enjoy.

But I suppose we'll just have to see...



  1. Seriously, man, you call 1795 words in a day failure?! I say any day one can write without deleting it is a victory. Frankly, you intimidate me a little.

    ComplexVariable89 (from Writing Forums)

    1. Well, it took some work before I got the point where I could sustain it, also a bit of luck with my job. Not trying to intimidate, trying to inspire! If I can do it, you can too. :D
