
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A Change 04/09/14


2109 words written today! Back working on the stand-alone book rather than book three. I wager I'll be swapping between the two quite a bit.

I've also been giving consideration to updating this blog once a week rather than once a day. It's not for lack of wanting to keep myself up to date on things, but for lack of things to write about everyday! In the beginning it was easier, just commenting on writing as a whole, but it's getting more difficult.

I'm trying to edit two books and write and keep this blog up, which let's be honest, not a lot of people traffic. I'm not too far from trying to find an agent or get published either, so I'm going to be busy. If I end up not going the traditional publishing route, I'll begin posting chapters here (as well as e-publishing) and that will be cool, but until that decision is fully made, I think after this week I'm going to slow down the updates. I'll still be writing 2k-a-day, and I'll report day-by-day totals at the end of the week, but then I can also consider what I want to say on the blog and give more interesting things to read.



  1. A blog post every day was quite a challenge! A couple of years back I tried the Wordpress Postaday Challenge and it was tough. I think I managed three posts a week!

    Pleased to meet you Patrick :)

  2. BTW, just an need to extend your 'comment as 'options. If I'd not had a Google Account I would have not been able to comment :(

    1. Thanks for the tip! I'll make the change immediately. I'm surprised someone's reading, to be honest. I'm not sure if I'm going to restart daily updates, I like doing it, but sometimes there's not quite enough time in my day for the writing AND coming up with a topic for a blog post. We'll see, thanks for commenting!

  3. See you've added the other options. A lot of people fall foul of this using blogspot and this reflects by the lack of comments :(

    I know the feeling - I've been blogging four years in May and I'm running out of ideas so I've signed up for 'blogging' course with WP. Starts tomorrow. Think it also covers promoting your blog through social media. We will see! :)
