
Friday, April 18, 2014

Back from the Dead! 04/18/2014

Hello internet! Miss me?

Let's start with the counts for this week, shall we? Starting on Sunday of this week, I totaled 14,761 words into book three. Here's the breakdown:
Sun: 2079
Mon: 2545
Tue: 3038
Wed: 2962
Thu: 2054
Fri: 2083
Total: 14761

That's a good week! Things have been heating up in book 3, we just got past the first fifth or so, and I'm really enjoying where it's going. It has a long way to go--this one might actually come in at 150k or more--and I'm really enjoying writing it.

That all being said, I think I'm going to blog once a week from here on out. I'll do it on Fridays, so expect a count much like the one you just saw above every week, plus a little about how I'm doing or a writing topic I feel like getting on my soapbox about.

This week, I had a bit of writers block. Okay, it was really just a bit of writer's block in the past hour or so. I wrote my 2k and in doing so I came very close to resolving a major subplot, but once I finished I thought it over and realized it was far too early to bring that plot to a close. The book has a long way to go and it's a major arc between two of the characters, and the last thing I wanted was for it to just fall out in the first chunk of the book. So I had to stop, delete over 1500 words of text and start it over. The subplot remains intact, and is now a much more suspenseful section, and has the potential to weave throughout much of the book, or at least the first half. I'm really exhausted from the rewriting, as I had to actually brainstorm how I wanted to do it rather than just writing. I stared at a blinking cursor for over an hour trying to think of what was going to happen in place of those 1500 words. But as I said, it's over now and it's going to be worth it.

I also finished the first edit of book 2, and have sent book 1 out to some beta readers. Hoping to get feedback soon!


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