
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Coughing II: The Return of Cough

I hate to go into more detail about being sick (as it might make this part of my blog seem like nothing but my whining) but really, that's all that's going on right now so...

Last night was fun! If you read that line sarcastically, then good. If not, go back and read it again and emphasize the exclamation point as much as possible in your head. Or out loud, provided you're either alone or don't care what those around you think about you talking to yourself. It's okay, I'll wait.

Okay, so last night my cough had been well contained with cough medicine, a substance I worry my body is growing a dependence on, and I was feeling pretty good. Riding high on wings of wax, I flew high up to the sun, feeling that if I was doing so well, I should be able to stay up a little later. On any given work night, I stay up until around midnight, sometimes one. I work nine-to-five and get anywhere from six to seven hours of sleep. Yes, I know I'm supposed to get more, but video games. So last night I stayed up until 12:30, and decided to try and get some sleep.

Bishopette and I are sleeping separately. No, we're not fighting, it's just that with both of us sick we temporarily decided to put me up on the spare mattress (note: not a full bed, just a mattress) until the coughing we each have subsides. And I'm glad we decided this because...

When I went to bed, my throat began to tickle. It started as a "tee-hee my throat's tingly!" and quickly descended into "every breath causes your mouth to feel like and your brain to believe that there's a spider in your larynx and so it will immediately force you to cough and dry-heave uncontrollably until you vomit."

And that's what happened. It was awful, even breathing through my nose made me cough sometimes. And then, but by the grace of whatever unloving deity dominates this realm, my nose became too congested to breathe. So someone wanted to make sure my throat received the proper tickling it deserved. Needless to say, I was up until three in the morning, possibly later. I'm supremely exhausted right now and I'm sucking on a coca-cola like a baby's bottle, praying that someone comes into my office with an IV drip of epinephrine. Or whatever substance stops my throat from tickling.

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