So I had some surgery.
That's the main reason I've been gone, but the other is just life getting in the way. The surgery I had was a septoplasty and bilateral turbinate reduction. They fixed up my nose, and for a while there I was completely unable to breathe through my nose and experiencing serious sinus pressure headaches. In any case, the air is returning to my nostrils and with it my will to write and post and all that. I've been a flake on this, my own blog, for a while now and I really want to get back into the habit of writing here.
SO! In the interest of starting fresh... I finished my latest novel not long before the surgery, and am starting one of three new projects that I have planned and partially started. I'm working on about the first 5-10k this week and the week before and will have a good chunk of story to see which I think has the most potential. Next week begins fresh, accurate counts and good meaningful posts.
That being said, for now I'm writing casually on these three projects, getting just a little in for each, probably around 1K words a day for them. It's relaxed, and it's helping me get back into the swing. Also, I'm going to start a third category of posts on my blog... my actual writing. I do a lot of flash fiction for a competition on the web each month, and I'm going to start posting some of the shorts I've written, or maybe even some of the chapters of one of my novels--we'll see on that part.
Stay tuned!
Apparently, when the hospital asks for an emergency contact, if you say "Scarlett Johansson", they don't look up her number and call her. It was a real disappointment.
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